Thursday, September 18, 2008

Whoo Hoo! Bululu Studio will be there presenting its home decor and jewelry products.
Hope to see you there, will have fun!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

yay! I made my first Treasury

I'm the curator of an Etsy's Treasury

Some of my favorite items

Monday, September 1, 2008

Small spaces mistakes...

"Cramming the space with too much stuff. A large piece of furniture can actually make the space feel larger, as long as it's selected carefully. For instance, if you have the benefit of high ceilings, a tall cabinet appropriately placed has the effect of drawing one's eye upward and away from the small footprint of the room. Just make sure every piece counts and holds its place and lets your eye rest." —LAURA KIRAR

"Not strategizing. Decide everything that needs to happen in a room, and then work that legerdemain, baby. Divide a room geometrically into task-oriented zones — working, sleeping, relaxing, dining. Think in halves, quarters, or even on the diagonal and assign a function to each section." —ELAINE GRIFFIN

"Not paying enough attention to the color of flooring and walls. Lighter walls and lighter floors do automatically give the illusion of more space." —MARY MCGEE