GIFT GIVING: Give an experience rather than stuff. A gift certificate for a massage, facial, restaurant, or theater. Donate to a charity in the person's name. Spend quality time with that person. The memory lasts longer than any "thing."
REGIFT. Make a gift area for things that you receive and don't like but know they will be appreciated and loved by someone else.
DO A "WRAP FREE" GIFT. Use all that newspaper you have in a bin ready to be recycled. Over 38,000 miles of ribbon alone is thrown away during the holiday season. Don't contribute to the waste.
poisoning of our air, water and soil. Every item you make or
purchase from a small-scale independent artist or crafter strikes
a small blow to the forces of mass production.
BUY Online: Avoid the parking lots and long lines of the big chain stores in
favor of something more meaningful.
Shop local helps the economy and the community. Buying locally will save fuel and keep money in your community and your country.
Choose products that come with little packaging. You will also
cut down on waste production and energy use!