Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Guest Blogger :: GoodToGoEco

I read this tutorial on the EcoEtsy Blog a few weeks ago. I loved it. So I asked GoodToGoEco for permission to post it here and she gratefully accepted.

Here is what she wrote:

Eco Tutorial: Repurposed Containers.

by GoodToGoEco
Visit the GoodToGoEco web site

Have you started a collection of those large plastic containers that held fruit & snack mix? We get ours from the membership clubs that sell in large quantity. We end up collecting those jars, but we were never sure what to do with them.

So I took on the challenge: Repurposing! On first one, the taller jar, the label peeled off wonderfully! Then I cut the top off, just as it bent in, slicing a starting point with a serrated knife, then finished off using scissors. (You could mark it with masking tape first to make a cutting guideline.) This made a large enough opening, and the slight curve inward gives a small finished detail. Simply add 2 or 3 rolls of TP and it's done! Keeps them clean, yet easy to grab when needed!

Second challenge: the shorter large mouth jars. Those labels don't come off easily at all, and mine had 2 labels! So, I cut same size 'labels' from chalkboard contact paper, and covered the original labels. The contact paper is very easy to use; in fact the adhesive is almost the repositional kind; very forgiving if you don't get it perfect the first time. I put my jars on my craft shelf above washer/dryer, storing spools of thread, notions, ribbons, etc. If I wanted to, I could actually use chalk labeling what's inside! This would work great for kids' craft supplies as well!

If you would like to read more about GoodToGoEco check her blog.

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